4 – 10 February 2019

By 28 January, 2019 January 29th, 2019 MENUS_EN

Menú elaborado para que puedas seguir la Dieta Mediterránea de una forma fácil y práctica, teniendo en cuenta los productos de temporada.

BreakfastMilk. Toast with chopped tomato, black olives and virgin olive oil.Coffee with milk. Wholegrain breakfast cereal.Tea. Toast with cream of eggplant.Milk. Melba toast with farmer's cheese and virgin olive oil. Fresh grapefruit juice.Coffee with milk. Bread with apricot jam. Pear.Milk. Toast with butter. Fresh orange and banana juice.Coffee with milk. Cream pastry.
Mid-morning snackBanana.Plain yogurt. Walnuts.Mini cheese sandwich with zucchini.Plain yogurt with strawberries.Tea. Granola bar.Appetizer: ""papas arrugas con mojo".Appetizer: vegetable fritter.
LunchChard with potatoes sautéed with garlic.
Grilled beef steak with tomatoes a la Provence.
Eggplant slices with tomato sauce, au gratin.
Turkey, red pepper and grilled onion brochette with lettuce mix.
Chickpeas stewed with tomato sauce and chilli pepper.
Hardboiled eggs with apple and beetroot salad.
Orange with honey.
Avocados stuffed with salad and walnuts.
Stewed chicken meatballs with potatoes.
Pear compote.
Mackerel soup.
Stewed lentils.
Curried rie with raisins and pine nuts.
Pil pil cod.
Thin caramelized pineapple slices.
Cream of broccoli.
Noodle and prk rib casserole.
Orange with cinnamon.
Afternoon snackPlain yogurt with hazelnuts.Fresh orange juice. Bread sticks.Rice cakes.Banana.Tangerine juice.Homemade almond cake.Apple fritters.
DinnerLettuce hearts with anchovies.
Scrambled egg with mushrooms and blue cheese on wholegrain toast.
Apple slices with liquid caramel.
Salad with raw spinach and pine nuts.
Grilled rabbit ribs with sanfaina.
Fresh pineapple.
Seasonal vegetables sauteed with smoked salmon.
Ham croquettes with endive salad with roquefort cheese sauce.
Baked artichoke.
Hake in lemon sauce.
Raviolis stuffed with cheese, au gratin.
Fried egg with sobrasada and potatoes.
Cream of mushroom au gratin.
Galician turnover with grated carrot.
Plain yogurt with kiwi.
Sauteed green beans.
Grilled sardines with peppers.
Fruit salad.