17 – 23 February 2020

By 10 February, 2020 February 14th, 2020 MENUS_EN

Menú elaborado para que puedas seguir la Dieta Mediterránea de una forma fácil y práctica, teniendo en cuenta los productos de temporada.

BreakfastTea. Bread with cream cheese and strawberries.Coffee with milk. Muesli.Milk. Bread with blue cheese and red berry jam.Coffee with milk. Toast with virgin olvie oil and oregano. Grapefruit.Coffee with milk. Spinach sandiwch with romesco sauce.Milk. Filloas.Milk with chocolate powder. Lady fingers.
Mid-morning snackToast with virgin olive oil and anchovies in vinegar and seasonal mushrooms.Mini sausage sandwich.Banana.Plain yogurt with walnuts.Puffed rice crackers. Orange.Appetizer: sea urchin au gratin.Appetizer: mini spinach croquettes.
LunchCream of spinach with croutons.
Pork loin stewed with pineapple.
Sauteed cabbage with onion and white beans.
Stewed chicken meatballs with potatoes.
Eggplants au gratin with Parmesan.
Stewed turkey steaks with orange sauce.
Custard apple.
Boiled chard and potato.
Rabbit and vegetable fry-up.
Grilled vegetable skewer with cheese sauce.
Chickpeas stewed with spinach.
Noodles with putanesque sauce.
Steamed seabass with Provencal tomatoes.
Chocolate cake with kiwi.
Gorgonzola cheese and apple risotto.
Stewed beef with mushrooms.
Flan with whipped cream.
Afternoon snackPlain yogurt.Melba toast with olive oil, fresh cheese and oregano.Coffee. Wholegrain toast with feta cheese and red bell peppers.Chorizo stuffed bread rolls.Plain yogurt with oatmeal.Cottage cheese with quince.Bread, wine and sugar.
DinnerSteamed Brussels sprouts.
Potato omelette with mixed salad.
Mushrooms au gratin with garlic and parsley.
Mackerel grilled with calçots.
Fresh sliced pineapple.
Pasta soup.
Tuna turnovers with cucumber salad and yogurt sauce.
Cream of zucchini.
Egg and white sausage omelette with bread with tomato.
Fresh tomato and cheese salad with basil.
Baked chicken drumsticks with rice and raisins.
Baked artichoke.
Toast with scrambled egg with asparagus.
Sauteed green beans.
Sardines marinated with eggplants and yogurt.
Grapefruit and tangerine segments with orange juice.