1 – 7 June 2020

By 25 May, 2020 June 2nd, 2020 MENUS_EN

Menú elaborado para que puedas seguir la Dieta Mediterránea de una forma fácil y práctica, teniendo en cuenta los productos de temporada.

BreakfastCoffee with milk. Plain yogurt with strawberries.Tea with milk. Toast with cooked ham. Watermelon.Milk. Bread with butter and plum jam.Coffee. Mini vegetable sandwich.Coffee with milk. Toast with virgin olive oil and Gamonedo cheese.Milk. Homemade oatmeal cookies.Coffee with milk. Homemade mini strawberry tartlet.
Mid-morning snackMini grilled zucchini sandwich with feta cheese.Assorted nuts.Plain yogurt with oatmeal and pistachios.Cherries.Tea with milk. Wholegrain bread with carrot cream.Appetizer: steamed mussels.Appetizer: mini mushrooms and blue cheese croquettes.
LunchArtichoke hearts au gratin.
Chicken meatball stew with hazelnut sauce.
Stewed rice with beans.
Baked anchovies with Provencal tomato.
Roasted beets and radishes with aromatic herbs
Breaded hard-boiled eggs with carrot salad.
Stewed macaroni with ratatouille and parmesan cheese.
Bullet tuna with onions.
Plain yogurt with raspberries.
Swiss chard with potatoes.
Ropa vieja.
Tomatoes stuffed with couscous salad.
Turkey casserole.
Peach with muscat.
Codfish salad.
Pork tenderloin stewed with peach.
Chocolate cherry mousse.
Afternoon snackTea. Corn cakes.Plain yogurt with cherries.Toast with fresh cheese and honey.Milk with muesli.Homemade sponge cake with dried apricots.Wholegrain bread with chocolate.Fried milk.
DinnerCream of carrots and chickpeas.
Bell pepper omelette with mashed potatoes.
Garlic soup.
Tuna with salt.
Endive, walnuts and pine nuts salad.
Leek and cheese tart with endive salad.
Fresh pineapple.
Rice soup with chorizo.
Garlic stewed rabbit with broccoli.
Grilled endives with honey vinaigrette.
Fried egg with french fries.
Plain yogurt.
Sauteed green beans.
Tuna dumplings with mixed lettuce.
Zucchini custard with red pepper sauce.
Grilled octopus with mashed potatoes with pepper.