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Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese, Quince and Walnuts

Yields1 ServingPrep Time20 mins

Although we would like to dedicate ourselves to deepening each of the ingredients of this weekly recipe, we will focus on the "Persian" walnuts and their historical and cultural journey. Its baggage through different classical civilizations gives it high recognition for its medicinal properties and its consistency as a food product. The Greeks compared it to other varieties of nuts such as chestnuts and hazelnuts, using it, above all, for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Well, they got hair dyes from it and also clothes. The Romans, for their part, offered it in any dessert presentation worth its salt and idealized it as a symbol of fertility and marriage, identifying it as the favorite food of the Olympus of the gods. Already in early times it was attributed the faculty of being very good for memory, being in medieval times when some philosophical currents and dubious profession could arise that gave the walnut the power to cure mental illnesses. Although the traditional "Persian" walnut eaten in Europe can also be called an "English" walnut, it was not popular in England until after World War I, around the 1920s. Hand in hand with the English, they would arrive in California where they would adapt to the environmental conditions, thus providing a large production of nuts. It should be said that before this company, the native American Indians already had a native nut that is recognized today as the "black" nut: "Juglans nigra".

 320 g arugula
 1 spring onion
 150 g cured goat cheese
 100 g walnuts
 60 ml extra virgin olive oil
 20 ml balsamic vinegar of Modena
 1 pinch of salt

Wash the arugula by immersing it in cold water for a few minutes. Drain well. Clean the spring onion, removing the first layer, the very green roots and tips, and cut into fine julienne strips. Cut the cheese into shavings using a peeler. Cut the quince into cubes.


Prepare the vinaigrette, mixing the virgin olive oil with the balsamic vinegar of Modena and a pinch of iodized salt and pepper.


Mix the arugula and spring onion with the vinaigrette in a bowl so that it soaks well. Distribute on plates adding the quince cubes, the walnuts and the cheese shavings.